Learning Content Design Studio

Reach Your Learners Through Fun Educational Content

Our studio delivers short-form learning videos and content
that helps you reach, educate, and motivate your learners.

In the digital age, professional learning & development is more than just launching a few training classes and calling it a day.

It’s about the bigger picture.

And with 90% of learning happening outside of the classroom (whether virtual or IRL), creative solutions are more important now than ever.

Because training isn’t a one-time event. It’s a journey.

in our 'learning is fun' era

in our 'learning is fun' era ✨

hey, I’m Sara. 👋

When I kicked off Out of Office Learning in 2019, a new client dropped a bombshell of a question: "Can you whip up some short snazzy videos for us? We're looking for bite-sized motivation for our employees, not the usual training snooze-fest."

My brain screamed, "Hold up, I'm no Spielberg!" After a brief panic, I dove into the Google rabbit hole to learn anything I could about bite-sized video content. Back then, pre-TikTok era, content chatter was scarce. Fast-forward to today and short videos have completely changed the game and changed our service offerings.

Here's the kicker... You don't need a film school diploma for short videos. At Out of Office, we transform your raw content into fun, engaging learning experiences.

Video is Here to Stay

Check out how you can copy what works for TikTok and Instagram to keep your team engaged!

We’ve spent 16+ years creating training programs for some of the world’s largest organizations.