Turn your stale curriculum into fun content.

Learning has changed in the era of social media.

Isn’t it time that your team members get the training programs they deserve?

What are short-form videos for new hires?

  • You send us footage that illustrates your place of business (don’t worry — we guide you through this!)

  • We handle the ideation, scripting, editing, and finalizing

  • You receive 10 short-form videos that are ready-to-use in your onboarding program

Starting at $4,995

Short-form Videos Provide:


Teaching concepts in bite-size pieces is often more impactful than long-form curriculum.


Short videos make a stronger, quicker connection between your employee and your message.


Lighthearted and often humorous content helps your new employees ease into their new role.

How It Works

  • Get in touch

    Decide you want to leave boring training behind.

  • Fill us in

    We’ll send you questions and you’ll give us the fun details about your company.

  • Film it

    You film and send your footage (no stress here — we guide you on this!)

  • We work our magic

    We bring your footage to life by creating educational videos for your new hires!

  • All done!

    Receive your package of 10 short-form videos you can use right away!

No onboarding program?

We can set that up for you, too.